4 Website Changes that will Improve your Bottom Line

Here are our top 4 website changes that you should consider making if you want to improve your bottom line.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-04-04 09:26:00

A company website is absolutely essential in today’s internet-obsessed environment. However, although most businesses have a website, not all of them are used to their full potential. Since websites have the power to drive traffic, increase sales and boost revenues, it makes sense to operate an outstanding website that is used to its fullest potential.

Listed below are our top 4 website changes that you should consider making if you want to increase your bottom line. Read on to discover more…

1.  Create video content

Today’s consumers are mad about video. They are easier to digest, take less time to process than reading an article and are an easy way to engage with audiences for longer.

Furthermore, with the inclusion of videos on your website, people are far more likely to linger on your website for longer – and come back again in future. By creating powerful, dynamic product videos, tours of your workplace and customer testimonials, you can easily increase conversion rates and boost customer sales by a staggering 86%.

2. Minimise downtime

If your website goes down – even for a number of seconds, this could cost your company huge amounts of money. The same goes for your site-loading speed, which needs to load within a number of seconds to prevent you from losing customers. Research has found that 57% of people abandon their visit to a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. These people might even have added items to their cart – but will easily abandon their shopping if they get frustrated. In today’s information-heavy age, who has the patience to hang around waiting for a slow website to load?

3. Go global

The internet enables businesses to connect with customers from across the globe, and the global economic potential of online communication totals a staggering $45 trillion. So, if your site offers content exclusively in English, you could be missing out on a huge chunk of that market potential. By translating your website and making it available in different languages, you will be able to reach a much wider audience, thus boosting your chances of making even greater profits. There are plenty of translation management systems available that can be easily integrated onto your website, making it easy to roll out and maintain translated content for the long-run.

4. Include customer reviews

If you’ve just closed another successful sale, don’t be afraid to ask your customers for a review. A study carried out by Forrester Research found that consumers trust brand recommendations from friends and acquaintances 70% of the time, while ads are only trusted some 10% of the time. For this reason, word of mouth marketing is an extremely powerful form of marketing that businesses should take advantage of by posting reviews onto their websites.

Making a few small tweaks to your web design can work wonders for your business. Don’t be afraid to try all or some of the above changes to improve the cost-effectiveness of your website, keep people browsing for longer and increase your bottom line.

Get in Touch

Are you ready to take the next steps towards improving your web design? Contact 8 Ways Media, the most creative web design agency, to discover how we can help you with a stellar marketing strategy that will take your business to brand new heights.

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